(The Best CG Software)
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More than 16 CG object layers to overlay on top of the main video from our gCG Xtreme.
best cg software, character generator, gcg, xtreme, cable tv, gboombaa, cable tv software
Art & Plain Text
Advance GDI+ text drawing code overlay a wonderful Art & Plain Text on top of main video layer.
Art Text: Type the text and drag it to resize.
Plain Text: Type the text, set font size to resize.
Ready made templates will draw the text easily on the canvas with our gCG (CHARACTER GENERATOR)
Fill Color, Gradient Color, Textures and Patterns supported.
Outline Color, Glow Color and 3D like text also supported.
We support all Image formats from 8 to 32 bits(Alpha) in our gCG (CHARACTER GENERATOR)
Images : (TGA, PNG, TIFF, JPG, GIF, BMP and more…)
While loading new images on the CG, our auto error fixing code scan every image and fixing the errors is any.
This will avoid crashing the server while loading any new images at runtime on the server.
Crawl and Scroll
This Crawling/Scrolling RichText Tickers support any color, size, fonts or long Image strip. (Unicode fonts also supported)
Crawling: Horizontal motion.
Scrolling: Vertical motion.
Here we have shown Crawl Text with ready made animation background strips.
We give 100 free animation background templates with our gCG (CHARACTER GENERATOR)
GIF Animation
Some time ready made animated GIF files to be displayed even it is not a professional television image format.
We have a built in animated GIF player and overlay it on top the main video layer.
Flash Animation (SWF)
Though the Flash technology is outdated we still support to play it in our software. Flash animation is easy to make even by amateurs.
Flash animation file supported format is SWF
TGA/PNG Sequence Animation
For television animation overlay, one of the best method is, Image Sequence Animation.
Since our the animation sequence is made with lossless compression, the PNG Image Sequence is highly preferred because it is light weight.
gCG support all Image Sequence formats [24 and 32 bits(Alpha)] (TGA, PNG, TIFF, JPG, GIF, BMP and more…)
Just like Image layer this also has OPTIONAL AUTO IMAGE ERROR SCANNER
Shape layers mostly used as a background for Text, Crawl, Scroll, Images and Media layer.
1) Double clicking ready made templates will draw the shapes easily on the canvas..
2) Fill Color, Gradient Color, Textures and Patterns supported.
3) Outline Color, Glow Color and Curve radius also supported.
Media Clips/External Video
Our gCG support Media layers to overlay like Picture In Picture effects with loop option. This audio can be linked with gPlay Audio Mixer.
Media File: Any video formats
Media Live: Any video via built in video capture card.
Banner (Slide Show)
Banner or Slide Show layer loads a set of images and play one by one at given interval of time with loop option.
1) Dozens of effects can be applied for transition.
2) Random transition effects can be automatically applied for each image.
3) Image sequence order can be altered any time.
4) Supported Images : (TGA, PNG, TIFF, JPG, BMP and more…)
Analog Clock
Analog Clock overlay is possible with ready made 12 templates. User can create their own Analog Clock by loading 4 PNG image files per template.
1) One Dial image
2) Hour arm image
3) Minute arm image
4) Second arm image
Analog Clock Image supported : (TGA, PNG)
Digital Clock
Digital Clock layer overlay support various options.
1) Clock (12 hour/ 24 hour)
2) Counter (Incremental/Count Down)
3) Stop Watch
4) Time (Any Format Eg: HH:MM:SS AMPM )
5) Day/Date (Short/Long)
Web Browser
You can overlay any website on your TV channel.
Mostly used to display exam results on live shows.
With our custom made (gScreen2PC) mobile app you can overlay Whatsapp Video Call on your TV channel.
Youtube video can also be played in fullscreen with audio support.
Screen Cam
For educational tutorials or any special window display, you can use this Screen Cam layer.
This will capture the selected screen region and overlay on your TV channel.
Dual monitor is highly recommended.
PowerPoint Presentation
Again for any educational purpose you can use this PowerPoint layer to present you slides on your TV channel.
This will display only the slide region and not the entire PowerPoint window, which is not needed in fact.
Dual monitor is highly recommended.
Most of the time we may have to mute the main audio and play some music instead.
This happens many times in News channels or any live event shows.
This Audio layer will play the selected audio and this can be controlled by the gPlay Audio Mixer.
Supported files: MP3, WAV, WMA
best cg software, character generator, gcg, xtreme, cable tv, gboombaa, cable tv software
We support various Blackmagic Decklink input and output cards in our gCG Xtreme.
1) Decklink Mini Monitor (4K)
2) Decklink Intensity 4K
3) Decklink Studio 4K
4) Decklink SDI 4K
5) Decklink 4K Extreme 12G
And more…
(We also support AJA cards like KONA LHi series)
CG Project & Playlist Types
We have 5 types or CG projects in our gCG Xtreme.
1) Title Project
2) Lower Third Project
3) News Project
4) SMS Project
5) Quiz project
Playlist Types: Dynamic, Cyclic, Static and Scheduled.
CG Xtreme Template Gallery
We have ready made CG templates for various projects in our gCG Xtreme.
Just double click to load the template projects on the canvas and modify it as per your need.
Interesting and informative overlays to attract the variety of audience for your TV channel.
Most of the data automatically fetched from the internet and display the graphical templates with it.
Uncode supported real time weather report data from internet gWeather.
Custom made and pre designed animation templates with various weather images.